Social Justice Website:
Turning ridicule into action. Laughter is a powerful emotion. But what if we could harness it to accomplish a greater goal? Like nearly everybody in the Western world, Seismic appreciated the absurd contradiction between a Russian president opposed to gay equality and his obliviously homoerotic stripped-to-the-waist publicity photos. But then we did something nobody else did: we bought the URL, And we created a website that leverages this built-in humor to serve up the tools for ending injustice at home and abroad.

Turning ridicule into action.
Laughter is a powerful emotion. But what if we could harness it to accomplish a greater goal?
Like nearly everybody in the Western world, Seismic appreciated the absurd contradiction between a Russian president opposed to gay equality and his obliviously homoerotic stripped-to-the-waist publicity photos. But then we did something nobody else did: we bought the URL, And we created a website that leverages this built-in humor to serve up the tools for ending injustice at home and abroad.